5 Simple Tips to Level Up Your Style

5 Simple Tips to Level Up Your Style

Right now fashion is having a huge impact on the world, individuals are dressing up in new styles to look their best. We’re finally getting back into the world so optimising your closet for maximum style is crucial! Here are some tips to bring fashion into your life.

1) Shop for outfits not items

Whenever you’re shopping next ensure you have a suitable item to make a cute outfit before you buy an item. This stops you from buying a bunch of things that don’t go which will lead to the age old issue of having a full closet with nothing to wear.

Photo by RODNAE Productions from Pexels

2)  Invest in the staples

If you can invest in a few key staples that look expensive, fit perfectly and make you look great then you can switch them up with cheaper accessories to make a huge range of cute, stylish outfits. Paying a bit extra for a good pair of jeans, little black dress or coat will give you a solid base you know you can always rely on.

“Finding a silhouette and style that is perfect for you is the easiest way to look stylish” says women’s wetsuit company Oz Resort, “Once you know what makes you most confident to wear you can find similar items or have items tailored, it is the key to confidence”.

Photo by The Lazy Artist Gallery from Pexels

3) Step up your shoe game

Think about how different an outfit looks with converse vs heels. Night and day. Having some cute shoes to complete your looks will step up your fashion game. Boots are a great place to start because they can be dressed up and down easily and are generally more comfy than pumps.

Photo by Godisable Jacob from Pexels

4)  Confidence is the BEST accessory

You have to feel comfortable with yourself to really rock that fashion trend, so start by looking into fashion trends that suit your personal style first before trying something completely new. A great way to find a style that suits you is to take inspo from your favourite tv show characters or celebrities that you resonate with or look similar to.

“If you are confident you will look good, it’s all a mindset” says mindfulness experts Live by Your Codes, “Confidence is by far the most important and powerful accessory”.

Once you find some fashion trends that work for you then go ahead and try them out; once you wear them enough times people will catch on and maybe even ask where they can get those fashion trends themselves.

Photo by cottonbro from Pexels

5) Thrift

Visiting your local thrift store is an awesome way to completely update your closet on a budget. Thrift stores also have super unique and vintage pieces that no one else will have.

“Thrift stores help reduce landfill and give clothes and accessories a second-life” says Buy Ecowise, “Some thrift stores like the Salvation Army are charities so you can update your wardrobe and donate to an awesome cause”.

Jackets, denim, accessories and dresses are all hot sections to check out for fantastic affordable finds.

Written By Amelia Hodges

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